Things to Know on Unlocked Android Phones

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Using such unlocked Android phones is really a good option for anyone. Generally speaking it will give you freedom in using your phones. You can pick any provider you want to use, you can choose any service available to use, plus you can also decide which software to use on your phones as well. Android unlocked phones are basically Android phones that could recognize any SIM cards inserted to the phones. Meanwhile locked Android phones are Android phones that will only read the default SIM cards provided by particular service provider or carrier in a package of the phones. Basically locked Android phones are just normal Android phones that have been modified using particular software so that it could not accept any other SIM cards than the one provided at the package.


There are some reasons in choosing the unlocked Android phones instead the locked. First is that unlocked phones will provide less cost in long term use. Unless you are people who always change your phone every time new phone available then get the unlocked one. Second is that the unlocked one will receive any updates from Android faster since any updates will be sent to you right away without going through some certain software. Third is of course the freedom in controlling the phone related things without any contracts or terms applied. The last one is that unlocked phones Android are clearly not altered by particular carrier which reducing the ricks of gimped hardware.


Thus there are some of the best unlocked Android phones for your consideration. Samsung Galaxy S III is the best one on the list. It has currently the biggest RAM for unlocked Android phones available which is 2GB. The wide screen and the very fast Snapdragon Quad Core CPU are points of interest of this phone. The next one is Samsung Galaxy Note as the best Android phones unlocked. It is big phone with big screen which offers maximum satisfaction in watching HD videos. Although the size of the phone is also a setback of this phone as some people might find it too big to handle. The next best unlocked Android phones are the HTC One X. This one of so many HTC Android phones offers very amazing quality of the camera on phone. Moreover the audio quality is outstanding with the Beats audio availability. Those are some of the best unlocked Android phones available for you.
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