5 Best Portable Antivirus, Free Download

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Viruses which infect the computer is still a concern for its consumer, various outstanding antivirus whether paid or free is often not provide a solution to overcome the viruses continue to evolve every day because it is rarely updated, so the infected computers to severe and ultimately unable to goes well performance.

Antivirus portable might be the solution to your computer, in addition to portable external storage media, such as USB flash drive, external hard drive, as well as microSD, Antivirus also does not need to be installed, but you can simply run it through an external storage media.
free antivirus portable

There are many types of portable antivirus outstanding, here we provide a list of types of antivirus portable that you can get for free:

1. Sophos Anti-Rootkit Portable.

free download Sophos Anti-Rootkit Portable
This is one kind of reluctant antivirus used by users that do not really have to. But when needed, made software Sophos has a "smell" is very keen that can sniff and throw rootkit, even when the PC is being used.

Sophos Anti-Rootkit Portable is free software; it can run on Windows XP, Vista, and Windows 7. This software can be run alongside other antivirus. Download

2. Vipre Rescue.

free download Vipre Rescue
When a malware infection is very severe, you need software that is able to run without cleaning GUI. That Vipre Rescue. The software command window running in Safe Mode only need to click once before starting to scan the system with remarkable speed. Download

3. Free Emsisoft Emergency Toolkit.

free download Emsisoft Emergency Toolkit
This software is a tool that can detect malware exterminator and clean up more than 6 million types of computer threats. Free Emsisoft Emergency Toolkit has a GUI and command line mode, so users can still use it even though the graphics interface can not be accessed.

In addition to anti-malware, users will also get spyware detection tool HiJackFree and cleaners locked files in the package BlitzBank Emsisoft Free Emergency Toolkit. Download

4. Spybot Search and Destroy portable.

download Spybot Search and Destroy portable
Portable version of Spybot Search and Destroy are very popular. As the name implies, this tool has the ability to be reliable in terms of search and destroy malicious programs on your computer.

One unique feature of Spybot is ability to backup Windows registry before starting the scanning process for case a Windows registry gets damaged during the cleaning process. Download

5. ClamWin Portable.

free download ClamWin Portable
Like the conventional version, ClamWin Portable is an open source antivirus that can be obtained for free, but has a powerful ability to eradicate the virus.

ClamWin Portable has the virus detection rate is very high and carry a friendly graphical interface. The author was diligent in updating the virus definition database.

One drawback is does not provide real-time scanning, but it was not a problem for portable antivirus is not intended for continuous monitoring. Download

source: TechRepublic
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