How To Overcome The Phishing Criminals

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The increasing cyber crimes that try to steal your Apple ID and user account information concern all of us. From January to May 2013, 200 thousand experiments detected accessing phishing sites every day by Kapersky Security Network. It increased sharply compared to the year 2011, which were only 1,000 per day.
To distinguish between genuine and fake websites used for phishing purposes is to look at the site address bar. Although most of the fake site also has the word '' which also became part of their sites, but the site is not verified by Apple and will also have additional text in the URL.

Recognize phishing site will be more difficult if the user does not can see the site URL address, usually this happens when the user is using the iOS Safari browser on their iPhone or iPad. When the user clicks on the link contained in the email on iOS-based devices, the full URL address will be hidden from view of the user at the time to download and open the page with Safari.

tips-to-takle-phishing crime
"To protect from evil phishing, then the user must verify your email address from Apple to check the original sender first," according to Jesmond Chang, Corporate Communications Division Kaspersky Lab, Southeast Asia, Thursday, July 11, 2013. On the PC, this can be done by sliding the mouse to the sender field, which shows the original sender's email address. When using a mobile device, the user must touch the alias name of the email sender, which will show the actual name of the email sender.

Apple also provides a two-stage authentication process for the Apple ID. This involves sending a four-digit code to one or more devices that belong to users who previously have been. This is useful as an additional verification and prevents unwanted changes in the site "my Apple ID", for example if there is a third party who makes purchases without permission using your Apple ID.

Unfortunately, it has not been able to prevent cybercriminals from using the credit card data that they managed to steal. Users are advised not to click or open the link in the email to access the site. User should own typing a website address in the browser window. Users who still want to use the link should carefully check the contents and address of the site whose link them open. In addition, users are advised to use security software package.
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