iPhone 6 Using iOS 7 Is In The Test Phase

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iPhone 6 as the successor of the iPhone 5 is reportedly in the testing phase, the smartphone will use "operating system iOS 7" Apple is expected to launch in mid-2013.

From unnamed sources saying that the iPhone, iPad, and iPhone touch in the future will come with "operating system iOS 7".

Apple 5

The test device will indicate the iPhone 6.1 update of the model iPhone 5.1 and iPhone 5.2. Change the first number of the sequence shows the Apple hardware changes on the main internal elements.

From Asymco analyst Horace Dediu said that the generation Apple smartphone launched every six months, it refers to the statement of former Apple CEO John Scully that. Meanwhile, according to stock analysts Jefferies, Peter Misek said that the successor to the iPhone 5 will carry a camera with super HD screen, a battery that has the ability to be better, and NFC, renewal also will be on display for IGZO Retina +, as well as offering 128GB for storage capacity.

Other rumors circulating say that the iPhone 6 will come with six to eight color variants. Thus, with many variations of these colors will attract the younger generation to buy a smartphone made by Apple.
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