Nikon D7100, DSLR Camera "Non-Opaque"

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Nikon D7100 camera as the successor DSLR enthusiast D7000 camera, latest camera from Nikon technology company is a big change compared to previous products.

One of those changes is Nikon D7100 camera 24 megapixel sensor has no low-pass filter (anti-aliasing), such as the full-frame Nikon cameras D800E.

Low-pass filter on the sensor are used to suppress Moire effect by way of a little "obscure" the captured digital images. Unwanted visual effects usually appears when the sensor captures an object with fine detail the numerous and evenly, for example stitching pattern on clothes.

By disposing of Low-pass filter is then Nikon D7100 able to produce images that look sharp, without the effect of "soft opaque" of the filter.

Furthermore, other interesting new feature is the 1.3 x Crop mode where Nikon D7100 will only use part of the center of the sensor area to take pictures (cropping), so it seems it will look like to add a lens Focal Length of 1.3 x original. The same effect as you would a full-frame lenses on APS-C body.

At 1.3 x Crop mode, the range of AF points, which accounted for 51 pieces on camera Nikon D7100 (15 cross-type, the midpoint is able to work up to F8), it will become more fully on the frame, so the D7100 is claimed is ideal for sports photographers.

While the resolution of the Crop mode is maintained at 1.3 x 15.4 megapixel numbers, while Burst Rate up from the default rate of 6fps to 7fps.

Changes in that occur other is a larger LCD screen (3.2-inch) OLED viewfinder with lights, stereo microphone, and spot white balance via LiveView.

Nikon D7100 reportedly will be marketed starting in March, and is priced at USD1, 599 for the version with lens AF-SDXNikkor18-105 and U.S. $ 1.199 for the body-only version.

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